In a nutsell

Bring Swarming A.I. to the market

SIMMS fetch a set of unique algorithms to create a distributed (swarm) intelligence that allows autonomous, highly effective, cost efficient, and coordinated undertaking of missions by mobile robots, principally drones. This plug and play AI (artificial intelligence) technology, in the form of a ‘smart box’, can be used and tailored to all sorts of monitoring, securitization, rescue or tracking missions. The integration of SIMMS’ proprietary AI technology with off-the-shelf sensorial and visualization technology results in the fully autonomous and coordinated execution of mission by swarms, from two to tens of robots, resulting in greater area coverage, the faster carrying out of mission, a higher accuracy and reliability and above all a much more cost effective deployment of technology.


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About us

25 years experience in AI

5 years experience in UAV swarming

Publications in top-level conferences/journals

Experience in military projects

Several awards – IEEE, US Navy